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Fertility Acupuncture

What can impact fertility?

Many people struggle with their fertility, and for various reasons are unable to get pregnant through conventional means. Whether it be due to hormone imbalances, PCOS, fibroids, or the less obvious like digestive issues, stress, or insomnia, each person will need a programme of treatment specific to their needs. Whether you’re trying to conceive naturally, or through reproductive assistance like IUI or IVF, you’ll get unparalleled care and support.

Menstrual & Ovulation Irregularities

long or short cycle, PCOS, fibroids, anovulation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea.

Lifestyle Improvements

diet & digestion, stress & anxiety, sleep, heart health and circulation, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Reproductive Assistance

IUI preparation, IVF retrieval and transfer preparation, At-home insemination.

First Trimester and Beyond

nausea/vomiting, fatigue, ligament/muscle pain, and all the other odd symptoms that are specific to you during pregnancy.

Finding out what fits

A consultation is needed with Matt to make sure that Acupuncture is right for you. It’s not for everyone, and it may not even be the thing you need. If it’s not, we may be able to treat your symptoms with another treatment – we’ll assess that as we chat during your consultation.

If it’s right for you, we may be able to perform the treatment right away.