When it comes to the benefits of acupuncture, we look holistically at what it can achieve for the body, but of course, carefully targeted in the right area, it can achieve some incredible effects. Pain relief and relaxation are all well-documented, but could it be that acupuncture provides the answer to better skin, also?
In a world of botox and fillers, you’d think that cosmetic acupuncture was a new fangled thing, but in fact, it’s been used for thousands of years in treating the skin by Chinese medicine practitioners. And while acupuncture needles can be placed in points on the face for a number of reasons, here we’re talking about their use in stimulating cosmetic changes.
This guide from Harpers Bazaar breaks it down for us.
The key takeaway from cosmetic acupuncture is the stimulation of fibroblast cells that exist in the dermis layer of the skin, which when triggered, can help promote a new generation of collagen and elastin, which have anti-ageing qualities. Experts compare the process to a cosmetic treatment known as microneedling, but find that with acupuncture, the needles can go much deeper into the skin., making it far more effective.
When the skin produces more collagen and elastin, the skin can be made for resilient and firmer, which can change the appearance of key features of ageing skin, such as crow’s feet and frown lines. It can also be used to treat acne by improving the skin’s ability to detoxify.
If anti-ageing treatments are something you want to try, this may be a more responsible way to do so, looking after your whole body holistically too, as undoubtedly acupuncture is a treatment for your energy too.
If you’re looking for an acupuncture specialist in the Cheshire area, get in touch with us today.