Acupuncture Women's Health

Acupuncture Provides Relief For ‘Breastfeeding Shoulders’

While breastfeeding is a great thing for mothers to do for their children, it comes with its challenges. Not only do many new mums find it difficult to establish breastfeeding in the first few weeks of their baby’s birth, but those who have been breastfeeding for several week or months can experience severe pain in their back.

This strain, known as ‘breastfeeding shoulders’, is due to the fact that many nursing mothers hunch over when feeding. Having poor posture when breastfeeding means you are not positioned in the correct way and this can cause strain on your spine.

We Have Kids told mums they might not realise they are in the wrong position until they “start to get an ache in [their] back”.

It gave advice to nursing mothers, saying: “Always bring baby to you, rather than your breast to your baby. Try to make sure that you’re not hunching over or slouching to reach your baby.”

Other suggestions it gave included using props, such as pillows, to support the baby’s weight; trying several different types of positions where the baby is more supported; and finding a comfortable chair to feed in.

Acupuncture is also recommended for relieving the ache of ‘breastfeeding shoulders’, as it is an effective tool in alleviating back pain in general.

According to Webmd, the ancient treatment provided effective short-term relief from chronic back pain in a recent study.

By inserting needles at specific points, this energises a flow of energy (known as Qi) throughout the body. By stimulating the central nervous system at least, this could cause the brain to release chemicals into muscles and the spinal cord.

For more information about relieving back pain with acupuncture treatments in Cheshire, get in touch with us today.