
How Acupuncture Ooffers Relief for migraines, Depression to Anxiety

Acupuncture is a treatment that many of us have heard of, but are perhaps not particularly familiar with. While the popularity of acupuncture has grown in recent years, it still retains a slightly mysterious nature, and many people have a number of misconceptions about the practice. In this post, we’re going to look deeper into what acupuncture is and what it can offer people, ensuring that you have the facts you need to allow you to make an informed decision about trying acupuncture for yourself.

Understanding what acupuncture is

The ideal thing to do at this point would be to describe how acupuncture works. However, that’s… a little tricky, to be honest! The truth is that it’s not entirely understood how acupuncture actually works, but its efficacy has been proven time and again in various studies.

Of course, most of us are immediately sceptical. How can a treatment work if no one can explain why it’s effective? If you’re currently thinking the naysayers are right about acupuncture and it’s clearly nonsense, pause for a moment and consider anaesthesia.

Yes, anaesthesia; the medical process that makes it possible for surgeries to be performed and lives to be saved. Anaesthesia is the epitome of modern, evidence-based medicine, isn’t it? No one is calling anaesthesia a quack science or a “woo” cure.

Here’s the kicker, though: no one really knows how anaesthesia works. We know it does, and we’re grateful for it, but the exact biological process is something of a mystery. There are theories, but no definitive proof and consensus.

So while no one knows for sure why acupuncture does work, that’s not a red flag. Sometimes, all you need to know is that a treatment can work— is the “how” really important if it is able to save you pain, discomfort, side-effects and other unpleasant symptoms?

The theories behind acupuncture

The Ancient Chinese theory behind acupuncture revolves around Qi, the life force that is thought to regulate health and well-being. It is thought that Qi moves through the body in a similar way to blood, but instead of travelling through veins and arteries, Qi travels via a network of pathways known as meridians.

The smooth travelling of Qi through the body is thought to be easily interrupted. Problems such as injury, stress, lifestyle consequences, environmental impacts, and nutrition can all cause Qi’s flow around the meridians to be damaged; think of it like a bottle neck, with Qi not able to flow as well as it should. When needles are inserted into strategic points across the body, they are believed to help “free” the Qi and allow it to flow once more. This is achieved due to a combination of different benefits, including the encouragement of the body to produce its own painkilling chemicals and endorphins, and stimulating the brain to help control mental health conditions.

Modern scientists equate the concept of Qi with the chemical reactions within the body, and posit that acupuncture encourages better metabolic function, which in turn enhances well-being.

Whether you believe the Qi explanation or the more scientific metabolic function, the end result is the same: acupuncture is extremely effective at treating a number of life-affecting conditions. Again, you don’t need to know how or why something works – to know that it does, safely, is enough.

Migraines, depression, and anxiety

Superficially, it may seem that migraines, depression, and anxiety have very little in common. The former is a cerebrovascular illness; and depression and anxiety are on completely opposing sides of the mental health spectrum.

However, all three of these illnesses have something very specific in common: they are difficult to treat. Migraines are unpredictable and somewhat unknown; depression does not always respond to conventional medications and those which do work can cause unpleasant side-effects; and anxiety can be controlled with conventional means, but rarely cured. People who suffer from these conditions often have to go through long, difficult processes to try and obtain treatment… yet all three have been shown to be eased by acupuncture.

Compared to conventional treatments for migraine, depression, and anxiety, acupuncture is incredibly simple. There’s no medication; no side effects; no worrying about interactions between different drugs. Just a careful, effective treatment that can provide relief from conditions that are otherwise very difficult to treat using conventional means. Millions of people have experienced the difference that acupuncture can make to these conditions; if you suffer from migraines, depression, or anxiety, why not give it a try and see just how much you can benefit too?

Acupuncture Back Pain

Acupuncture Helps Improve Back Pain, Sports Injuries and Menopausal Symptoms

Our bodies are a miracle. A living, breathing organism that is capable of the most incredible feats and accomplishments throughout our lives. However, as wonderful as the human body is, it is prone to the occasional… well, failure.

Our joints, muscles, and tendons are arguably the weakest parts of our body. As the body parts that take the most strain and bear the most weight, they are the most likely to suffer problems. All of us have some knowledge of the pain of a sprained ankle, a bad back, and various other aches and pains that accompany us throughout life.

As we age, the risk of these problems becomes even more notable— and especially for women, who also have to contend with the hormonal issues caused by the menopause. While we may get wiser as we get older, there’s no doubt advancing years tend to bring forth higher levels of discomfort. Even members of the younger generation are more than aware of the potential for bodily aches and pains thanks to injuries sustained while playing sports.

When our bodies ache or we’re struggling with the impact of hormonal changes, most of us will turn to conventional medicine for a solution. Unfortunately, that solution tends to involve the use of painkillers— a solution that can actually be worse than the problem we’re initially seeking help for. Not only are painkillers addictive and potentially damaging when taken over long periods of time, there’s also no guarantee they will remove the pain for injuries— and they will do next to nothing when combating menopausal symptoms.

Thankfully, there is a solution

There is a form of treatment that has been shown to consistently benefit this wide range of ailments: acupuncture. From back pain to common symptoms of the menopause, acupuncture is able to offer relief that is:

  • Comprehensive
  • Progressive
  • Free from side effects
  • Inherently relaxing
  • Carries numerous other benefits for overall well-being as well as improving the state of the target area

Acupuncture may be something of a new treatment to those of us in the West — and it suffers from a large degree of scepticism as a result of this — but the technique is actually at least 8,000 years old. Acupuncture has been theorised to encourage the body to heal itself, by stimulating the products of the body’s natural painkillers — known as endorphins — and stimulating areas of the brain that can produce positive effects on mental and physical ailments.

Trying acupuncture

If you suffer from back pain, have sustained a sports injury, or have menopausal symptoms, then acupuncture could be the solution you have been looking for. While the idea of needles being inserted into your skin might sound daunting, rest assured that…

The needles are very thin; in fact, they’re so thin that you’re unlikely to even feel them entering your skin
Most people find that undergoing acupuncture is completely painless

So try not to worry!

An acupuncture appointment is similar to a typical health consultation in many ways. You will be asked for your medical history, as well as details on the ailment that you are specifically trying to treat. You will then be led to the main treatment area; your therapist will discuss everything they are doing as they do it. Most acupuncture sessions last at least 30 minutes, though an hour is more common.

Can acupuncture really help with back pain, sports injuries, and menopausal symptoms?

It is impossible to answer this question with 100 per cent certainty; nothing in life is guaranteed except for death and taxes, after all! However, acupuncture has a glowing record and a huge number of converts to the practice. If you are struggling to maintain your well-being due to pain or menopausal issues, then acupuncture could be a vital tool in helping you cope and — eventually — recover.

What else can acupuncture help with?

Acupuncture is a holistic treatment; as well as focusing on the specific concern, it also seeks to redress the balance of your body in the hopes of promoting enhanced well-being. It is, therefore, possible to use acupuncture to seek relief from a wide variety of conditions, including — but not limited to — the following:

  • Mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety
  • Chronic pain conditions, such as arthritis and fibromyalgia
  • Digestive conditions, such as colitis and irritable bowel syndrome
  • More complex and wide-ranging conditions, such as insomnia and infertility…
  • … and much more.

So if you are struggling to find an effective treatment for a health or pain condition, acupuncture might well be the answer you have been seeking.